
Instant Karma at Panera

So, this Sunday, me and my copy of the book Infinite Jest headed to the local Princeton Panera to find a corner to read. Naturally, it being a Sunday early afternoon, the place was jam packed, and I spent about 5 minutes wandering around the place with a tray of food in my hands.

I managed to find a place, but it was a large booth that would normally accommodate four people. I felt a little self-conscious about taking such a large spot, but the place was crowded, so whatcanyado? After about 10 or 15 minutes, a few of the two-seat tables opened up, and a couple with a new born sleeping infant where looking for a place to sit. A prime opportunity to offer my table and be nice, but I didn't take it. I did feel a tad guilty about not offering my seat.

Not 10 minutes later, I was reading something on my phone when water landed on my head and phone (iphones are dangerously allergic to water, but thankfully no damage.) A dude had accidentally hit has hand against the top part of my booth while coming back from the soda fountain, and half the contents of the cup he was carrying spilled. He was quite apologetic, but sometimes shit happens, and thankfully it was only water.

A few minutes pass by, and a family of four are now looking for a spot to sit. They had managed to get one of the two-seat tables, but were thinking they'd need to split up. I took the opportunity this time and offered them the bigger spot.

Instant karma at Panera.

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