

I nabbed this from Complete and Total Bisch, who in turn, nabbed it from someone else. It's not that complete cuz I don't have the energy...oh well.
10 years ago... I started work at a summer camp in North Georgia, teaching tennis. I was also a counselor for 7-8 year old kids. Everyone managed to survive just fine. :)

5 years ago... I just started work for an internet advertising company after the dotcom I was working at died a miserable and lonely death. Long story short, I got the job a half hour after I got laid off. Man, I should have run.

1 year ago... I don't think I was doing anything particularly different than today. My parents still lived in the area, and all my family met up here.

Yesterday... Woke up, went to work, went to a bookstore, and then went home.

Today... I have an Excel class today at work. Also, my parents come home this afternoon from Europe, so I'm gonna try to see them.

Tomorrow... I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

5 snacks I enjoy... I'm not really a snacker, but: ice cream, tortilla chips with salsa, those little baby carrots, anything within arm's reach...

5 songs I know all the words to... Imagine, Long May You Run, The Times are a-changin. Considering that my memory is crap, that's pretty good.

5 reality television shows I watch... I gave American Idol a go, but apart from that, I'm not a reality TV person

5 television shows I watch daily... Simpsons repeats. The Daily Show. Nothing I really want to watch is on daily.

5 things I would do with $100,000,000... Give a bunch away, buy a home on the lake in switzerland, buy a few cars, build my dream house next to river in Tennessee, get a second cat so that Galileo has someone to hang out with

5 locations I would love to run away to... Can I take that 100 mil? Telluride, Co., Incline Village, NV., Townsend, Tn., Geneva, Switzerland, a beach in Australia

5 things I like doing... Reading; exploring; when I'm driving to nowhere in particular, taking left turns when my intuition tells me to take right turns; writing; going to the movies; anything related to music. That's 6, I know. I don't think the Web police is going to come after me.

5 recently seen movies I like... Batman Begins, Revenge of the Sith, Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy, Kung Fu Hustle

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