
Of food and dead people

I've spent the weekend at my brother's place...nice to get away for a bit, even though it's only 45 minutes from from the "Home by the Sea"-metery. Ok, that was a very poor allusion to a Genesis song, but the urge struck me. Can't help there's a 250 year old cemetery across from where I live. That cemetery gives me the creeps.
Anyway, over the last few weeks, I have started working out at the free gym provided by the office complex where I work. A nice place to work off some excess energy before I head home in the evening. This has somewhat disturbed my eating habits as of late.
A friend I work with says this is normal. On Friday, I got a slice of pizza at the cafeteria, and I basically had to force myself to eat it...couldn't even finish the slice. The grease was just nasty. Also, for the first time in like ever, I got fruit instead of french fries. The insanity! I don't have the best eating habits as is, but I'm still kinda skinny. Now that my favorite foods aren't appetizing, who knows what will happen.
I rewatched the movie Garden State with my brother tonight. He'd never seen it, but he liked it. As for me, I love that movie. Makes you realize that connection is more important than attraction, because attraction can fade real quick, but if the connection ain't there, you have nothing. No sense spending your thoughts and your time on nothing, right?
I feel I haven't written anything personal on this blog for a while. It's all been links to this or that, and maybe some short snippets of what's going on, but nothing especially meaningful. For some reason or another, I feel I may have been censoring myself. That's pretty stupid, I suppose, because if I can't write something personal here, where else can I?

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