
Pick up the Gee-tar

One of my friends, Brianne, has decided to start taking horseback riding lessons again, after a several-year break. As I was driving up to my brother's house this afternoon, I thought it might be a good idea to follow her lead and get back into something I love but have spent too long away from.

I regret never taking guitar lessons when I was a kid, so I learned what I know rather haphazardly without looking at the "why" behind it all. So, I'm gonna start taking guitar lessons to see if I can get some of that music theory through my think skull.

Since I'll be shifting the furniture this week, I think this might be a great time for such lessons. Maybe the move will unlock my creativity once again, and I think it would be fun to channel some of that creativity through music.

To make it even more interesting, I may even look into taking singing lessons. Granted, I only sing at home or in the car, but at least I'd be singing decently at home or in the car. Who knows if I even have any ability in it, but I know that singing in front of someone else would be a huge challenge for me, so that's good enough reason for me to do this. Time to challenge myself a bit...introduce something that is totally nerve wracking to get the blood moving.

We'll see how all this goes.


Anonymous said...

chapeau that is commendable

Anonymous said...

Sign me up for a cd when it's released. You stud you.