

About five years ago, my parents and I embarked on an editing project that involved translating a book about the hospitality industry* from German to English. While the project came along at a convenient time for me for a variety of reasons, the process of getting that book ready to print was a stressful one, and one that I didn't think we'd try to repeat.
Ha! We will soon be starting our second book translation in the next few months. This one is along the same lines as the first, but it will be a more in-depth review of providing service in the hospitality industry.
I'm looking forward to this, for some odd reason. For one, it'll actually let me edit again, as I don't do that much at work; my job seems to be preoccupied with figuring out how much work we will edit and how many people we need on hand, rather than with real editing. (Oh, and I also have the [adj. deleted] task of pointing out everyone's mistakes.) There are several things wrong with my job.
Also, while I'll still have no clue how to cook a roast, from what I've seen of this book, I'll learn how to properly carve one. That might be a useful bit of knowledge to have...
Anyway, I'm looking forward to it, and I'll most likely be spending an inordinate amount at my favorite coffeeshop, Small World (I can't really work at home.)

* Not quite as arbitrary subject as it seems. My dad started out as a chef and went to school for hotel management, which he then did throughout his career.

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